Saturday, June 12, 2010

I feel like I'm going to hell.

I feel like you hate me. But I look up to you so much.

I feel like you hate me. I wish you would die.

I feel like you hate me. But I really want to talk to you.

Ugh. So many people intimidate me.

I feel you. Not 100%, but you're not entirely by yourself.

I want to tell you what's been going on. I want to scream it, but I probably wont.

...too ashamed.

Ohhh man I'm craving cupcakes those are fucking delicious =P

...How did I lose fifteen pounds since the last time I weighed myself?

Do I love you, Jesus?
Do I even want an encounter with you?
If I fight hard enough... will you really leave me alone?
Maybe I'm just scared that you'll actually be good for me; that I actually might delight in you.

I feel like shit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who are you reffering this to ?