Monday, January 4, 2010

True Perfect Love is broken, bruised, bleeding.
It is not rainbows and smiles and kisses.
Nor is it chocolate, kisses or hugs.
True Perfect Love was and is nailed to a cross.
And is it beautiful.


I feel like i should copyright that or something...


...we nailed him there.
We are ugly.
So ugly.
So twisted.
So evil.
We need his love...


Am not feeling any of it right now.
But yet I am...
I cannot stay in this house.
Nor can I come back here.
This is the battleground, it is here, there, everywhere.

The world is bleeding.
And what are we gonna do? Keep bandaging it up?
We cannot keep the world from bleeding.
We can't...
There's nothing we can do...

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