So! Day 2! First full day! Intense intense....
I'm leaving out the QT... well... maybe I won't actually...
This stuff is gonna be long...
As always... I hope that you get blessed... somehow through reading this. Grab your bible...
Hopefully God can speak to whoever reads this... =P Namean?
I also decided not to include the bible verses in the post... only 'cause it takes up RIDICULOUS amounts of space... =P READ JO OWN BIBLE. IT'S GOOD FOR YOU.
Morning Devotion - Psalm 63
1. Time when you were in the desert... but your heart was in the sanctuary... vice-versa...
2. What can we learn about David's heart?
3. What can we learn so that we can be prepared for the desert?
Hrm. Well.
PN: He yearns for God, he is good + righteous. He has seen God, and 'cause he knows God he longs for him... 'cause God is Good.
Depend on God... he's got a perfect and permissive plan... rejoice knowing not only that he exists but that he is GOOD. Be confident.
FROG. What can we do? There's nothing in a desert, it's all dry... there's no water... Depend on God. Bless the storm. Bless the desert. Depend on God... The Desert, the storm, it all helps us grow.
Romans 5:1-5 (i think...)
Bible Exposition - Dr. Robert Norris (aka epic [welsh] accent)
Galatians 3:1-4:9
Lots of times... we know God and we fear him... but we do not LOVE him; We may have faith, but also great guilt. Martin Luther... FEAR of God! But where is the Joy?
We now have... the faith of a servant vs. the faith of a son.
Like the mechanical zeal of a pharisee... sometimes we're like perfectionists in our faith... it makes us imprisoned and afraid... We are now on a treadmill of pedantic religiosity.
--> He knows this (Paul) and wants to address the Galatians, who were building these... prison walls of religiosity.
LAW? NO. That would go against this Gospel of Grace. The Gospel is not man made... how can we distort it or change it? The Old Testament Laws were there to guard... until Jesus comes.
The Jews though there were two types of people...
1) Jews - Superior... Spiritually unique...
2) All the rest. Lawl.
But Paul instead... writes that it is evil and destructive as legalism... you cannot use this with Christianity; God's promises spell freedom. --> We are all sons of God in Christ Jesus. When we are baptized... we wear his clothes and become heirs to Abraham's promise.
This is important because... back then especially... because Clothes would define who you are (Social Status, ages, rank/race...) So when we become Christians... although we may wear the same clothes... we are now Children of God with no barriers between the rest of us.
We still have our same culture, BUT we have a new group identity that overlaps social unity. There is a same humility. Not Circumcision, but Baptism.
And this... transcends ALL barriers.
"You belong to the family of Christ." --> Do you feel the family and community?
Barriers separate Gods Grace and Wisdom.
Our Culture is not lost... but SUPERSEDED in Christ!
...Break the barriers that separate.
*Quick note... I was planning on staying up all night and typing these notes...
But... Dr. Robert Norris... you... sir, are a man of God... And you love him so much that your expositions on his word are just SO AWESOME. AND SO INTENSE... that I cannot continue to stay up and re-read through all of my notes and type them up...
I will continue tomorrow when I have time... --;;; aigoo.
9:00 am...
So. Slaves vs. Sons?
We have this age, 21. This is generally when children move to becoming... older... Men, yaknow? This is, or at least was, the inheritable age. Until this age, the son was no better than a slave because he was unable to inherit everything that his father has for him.
So there is also a tutor, who would look after this boy and his property until he becomes of age. Just like this... Paul says that history is divided in two, a spiritual minority vs. majority, that is separated by a 21st birthday for the human race.
We were gas good as slaves, regardless of our future! v3 talks about the basic principles of the world... Fundamental Truths (Like in Hebrews... laws...etc...), Fundamental Constituents (Chemical Elements that make us up... and the world can(?)would(?) be destroyed by these elemtsn) and Spiritual Forces (Deity's/Demons/Angels) of this world...
And this world is in bondage. Growing up under a tutor... we were held prisoner by the law, the law of God. This law, of religious activity condemned all of us. God would judge us, and so we would FEAR.
Pre-Christians... worldly deities, enslaved us, Hew or Gentile. We are bonded to our culture. (i.e. Jews- religious rules). So when the law was supposed to free us, it made us feel guilty and condemned. Here the Galatians are being related to pagans.
Today... everyone's spiritual instinct is like the old testament... we ask about ultimate meaning, so we made our own religions... The mystery of our own existence makes us ask... and it ultimately turns into this legalism...
We become slave to this... bonded to this idolatry... Jewish Law, Pagan Gods, Human Philosophy (lawl.).
This Bondage... is the natural condition of the human heart till our "21st" Birthday.
When Jesus comes into the world, we are no more a minority.
He came, shared this tutoring, the condition of spiritual bondage. LIKE US, he was born under the Law.
But he doesn't belong here.
Redeem! Mission! He came to redeem us from the slavery and the order of all things! To bring us into freedom of The Fathers new world. How costly is it redeem a slave... and Jesus paid that price.
Just as when people are adopted into families there are legal implications...
When we are adopted by God, we have all the same rights + privileges of being co-heirs with him. We are not kids anymore =P Enjoy the freedom + heritage as being sons of God with faith in Jesus Christ.
Lady + Rent story... Ironic. Let's enjoy the freedom of God when he comes knocking.
He's the generous giver, not the man who's come to collect the rent.
We are now children of God! We have a new nature! And the spirit of God is in our heart!
Coo. Oh Dr. Norris... your expositions are insanely long and epic...
Seminar 1 + 2 - Heart Motives
Why do we have nagging feelings? Or Don't get along? Why do we doubt? have depression? Apathy? Discouragement?
Who Am I??
This is a doctrine (actually a Thesis by Min Chung =P) of total depravity... Where we totally lack the spiritual good before God. It's not utter depravity where we are as bad as can be... but it's total depravity where there's nothing we can do, in our nature, that's good.
Without Christ, we can do nothing special in Gods eyes. Even doing good things, mean nothing because of our sinful nature.
It stems from selfishness. That everything we do without Christ... is for ourselves.
Emotions... are about the things we care about... you're emotional about something? You care about it. "Your mama"
Well why? 'Cause our mom gives us stuff. Why don't we like our dad? 'cause he doesn't give us stuff.
We are totally deprave, so we are selfish. And without Christ we will always be selfish.
True joy... comes from God and purpose.
So... it's either...
Enjoy life --> Getting what you want --> Selfishness. --> Meh. Woo~
Enjoy life --> Enjoy God --> True Joy from God + Purpose.
As Christians, we have two natures... our spiritual nature and our sinful nature. Our sinful nature will remain with us until we go to heaven.
(Galatians 5:16-17) We still have a sinful nature.
It's... Glorify God vs. Glorify myself...
It's a battle. Like Gollum, like in Colossians 3:5
We need to repent =]
All of this, is a tool to help us repent... it leads to forgiveness and cleansing.
1 John 1:9.
If we're not convinced that we're drowning in sin, the cross does not mean that much to us.
(But we are...)
Heart Motives is a Theory and a System... It's a motivational system that helps us see why we do what we do, and what drives us.
Genesis 3:5 --> We will be like God... So we desire to be God. Which is the essence of Sin. And we all desire to be like God in a specific way.
There are two layers to our motives... Success; which is getting what you want. And Failure; Which is not getting what you want...
God to be know... We want to be know. (Like Me)
God to be loved... We want to be loved by chosen ones. (Love me)
God's standards are to be obeyed... We have our own standards and obey them. (Perfect Me)
God to be worshipped... We want to be worshipped (Respect Me)
Ultimately: What do we want? What do you want? Why?
So... the heart motives are...
Respect Me
Like Me
Love Me
Perfect Me
And there are Success/Failure layers for each (Getting/Not getting what you want) and minors (a secondary heart motive.)
Ask me if you want more... detailed (?) traits of each motive...
1. Perfect Me --> You are driven by an inner standard from which you cannot escape. You live by principles and standards... almost like a picture or list of what you/it/life should be like. The keyword here is HIGH, because you want to be as perfect as possible. It's generally about the self, and your own opinion of yourself. You also think that things/people/friends should be like this or that... and if that is broken... you are generally hurt. Here we want to live by principles. Relationships, are a gauge for how well you are doing. It is also Character (Who they are) vs. Purpose (What they do/goals --> In doing this/that, what is my purpose and how can I achieve that?)
2. Respect me --> Your inner desire is to be respected by others. The keyword here is ABOVE. How you speak and your tone is very important. We think... where am I in relation to others? As soon as "Respect Me"s enter the room, they evaluate the people in the room and find their own status. They think in terms of groups and how they can conquer things/people/projects. In relationships... It's like a hierarchy, where they want to be ABOVE.
3. Like Me --> Your inner desire is to be liked by others (everyone =P). Here, the keyword is WIDE, because everyone's opinion matters. If someone honks at you, it bugs you. For hours. You want to "convert" everyone into liking you. You're trying to spread the gospel of yourself. Your audience? Everyone. You may like certain people more; but that's probably because they can make you more popular. You try to get along with everyone, but you can be offensive. And that also tends to be for a greater goal... like community bashing...
4. Love Me --> Your inner desire is to have a maximum genuine love from others. The keyword here is either Time or Service. You have certain chosen people who are your audience. You want them to love you. For Time (Deep) You want people to enjoy the time they spend together with you, because of you. For Service, You want to be needed, and you want people to need the services you have. (Service + Affirmation). Feeling betrayed makes you cringe... You also have circles of people. It's more like a triangle with different distances between people, the smallest number of people being at the top. These are the ones you've chosen to be loved by.
Hrm. So... because this is a tool, it points out to us how are selfishness works, and it gives us something to pray over.
The implications of our Heart Motives in daily life...
It can affect our emotions... our personality traits...
It can affect our relationships... We need to love in a way that people understand love... Feed the heart motives around you...
Sexual preferences, sin/lust.
Eating... maybe to feel full instead of being close to somebody.
Our daydreams too can reflect what our motives are (Getting what you want... etc...)
Leisure/Entertainment... What do we like to do and why?
Disorders... Memory... (Our memory isn't random)
And our relationship with God... What blesses me? God loves me... but we shouldn't turn him into the servant because of what we desire. We still need to be pleasing.
We need to repent over the sinful part of ourselves. Repentance... is changing our motives... that's true repentance.
Evening Worship - Dr Charles Zimmerman, Do the Dance
So many tv shows today are about change. Whether it's by a sledgehammer or by a hug.
Well. Do we want spiritual change?
The seven deadly sins... It all has a core. How can we change this core? Do we try harder? Do we set resolutions?
The Key to change is learning how to dance.
The Bible gives us the rhythm of the gospel, so we can dance with Grace. There's a pattern here, that we can follow. And just as one person leads in a dance, Jesus leads. We follow. Jesus Steps. We Respond.
There are two people we need to follow...
Isaiah Ch 6:1-8
Psalm 51
The first step is...
1. Recognition of Sin - Admission
Jesus first died for us... so we respond. Like at a beach, there's no way we can hide our ugliness. And a lot of times we will do our best to try to hide and conceal our sins (Like toothpaste for a hole in the ceiling =P ) but we need to ADMIT! A lot of times we come in front of Jesus with dirt stains around our mouth (lawl.) and he says...
"Did you eat the dirt?"
And of course... we try to say...
Just admit it man... he knows what's going on... It's especially important because the second step is...
2. Recognition of Grace - Absolution
God steps in now, and speaks words of forgiveness. God absolves us, of our sin.
It's the Coal...
It's also... "I don't remember his sins."
And the thing here is that...
2 Corinthians 12:9 --> That My sin is not the main event... God's Grace is.
1 John 1:9-2:1.
3. Recognition of The Gospel - Devotion
Do you REALLY want to change? Can you let go?
You should probably let go =]
Rehab sucks... but without rehab the new parts never work well (Physical Rehab... not like drug rehab --;;)
Like... if you want to get to Carnegie hall, you need to practice like crazy man.
Even when you don't feel like it, you need to practice. It's hard. But you have to.
We need to be devoted to the one who is devoted to us.
And even if you feel like it's not working... It's probably working.
John 15:5, Matthrew 7:24 --> Devotion to God, who is devoted to us.
4. Response to the Gospel - Mission
We're not trophies...
We are stewards of God's Grace. 1 Peter 4:10.
Sometimes, we commit spiritual fraud... and think that it's our own. But no, God is the owner of all of it. Talents, gifts, money, we are all stewards of his stuff. We need to be stewards, and mission.
Why? Well you're going to be tempted to think highly of ourselves. The sin in all of us will turn the good --> bad and the bad --> worse. We need to do the dance over and over and over again. =]
Missions Challenge - George Verwer
We need to pray the prayer of availability and be parts of prayer ministry.
Prayer is where it's at.
Psalm 67, Isaiah 6, Acts 12.
Prayer is our vital breath.
Is the holy spirit working in you? Then you won't care about what other people say. So bloom wherever you are and in whatever you do.
A lot of times we don't really feel forgiven...
1 John 2 --> Jesus Christ is our advocate.
Ep. 6/5 (?)
Matthew 9.
Bless you.
Bless others.
Bless the world.
Cool. =]
PN: Make my motives pure. I want to become a godly man.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
winterOIL Day 2 Notes
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11:13 PM
Labels: Charles Zimmerman, Day 2, Dr. Robert Norris, Notes, OIL, Winter
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